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Why Choose Microsuction for Ear Wax Removal?

Microsuction is the preferred method for earwax removal due to its safety and comfort. This procedure utilises gentle suction to remove excess or stubborn earwax without the need for liquids or water. It ensures a clean and comfortable experience for patients while minimising the risk of ear drum damage. One of the key advantages of microsuction is that it provides excellent visibility to clinicians, allowing for precise removal. Patients can expect immediate relief from the discomfort of blocked ears, making it a highly effective and patient-friendly option.

What should I do to prepare for my ear wax removal appointment?

Using eardrops or olive oil to soften the earwax a few days ahead of your appointment is recommended to facilitate the procedure. Do NOT use if you have a perforated eardrum.

Is the ear wax removal procedure painful?

Most patients find the procedure comfortable. You may experience slight discomfort or a tickling sensation, but pain is uncommon.

Are there any side effects to the ear wax removal procedure?

Side effects are minimal but can include temporary dizziness or mild discomfort, which usually subsides shortly after the procedure.

How Long Does Earwax Removal Take?

The duration of earwax removal can vary significantly depending on the extent of the wax buildup. In straightforward cases, it may take just a matter of minutes to effectively remove the wax. However, for individuals with more severe or impacted wax, the process can take longer. Our skilled clinicians will ensure that the procedure is thorough and safe, prioritising your comfort throughout.

How Can I Determine If Ear Wax Is the Issue?

If you're unsure whether excessive earwax is causing your discomfort, our experienced professionals will conduct a thorough examination during your appointment. This examination helps confirm the presence of earwax build up. If earwax is found, we can perform microsuction to remove it during the same session, providing you with prompt relief. In cases where no earwax is found, you'll only be charged for the consultation fee (varies by location). This ensures that you receive appropriate and cost-effective care tailored to your needs

What Causes Earwax Buildup?

Earwax buildup can be attributed to several factors, including:

• Frequent Use of Cotton Ear Buds: Inserting cotton ear buds into the ear canal can inadvertently push wax deeper, leading to accumulation.

• Use of Earplugs or Hearing Aids: These devices can contribute to wax buildup by blocking the natural outward movement of wax.

• Excessive Natural Secretion: Some individuals naturally produce more earwax, increasing the likelihood of buildup.

• Narrow or Hair-Filled Ear Canals: Anatomic factors like narrow ear canals or excessive ear canal hair can impede the natural migration of earwax.

• Age-Related Changes: Earwax may become drier and more prone to accumulation as we age, contributing to buildup.

• Wearing Earphones: Frequent use of earphones can hinder natural earwax drainage, leading to a wax buildup.

Understanding these causes can help individuals take preventive measures and seek timely professional assistance when needed.

Is Olive Oil / Wax Softening Drops Necessary Before the Appointment?

While the use of olive oil before your appointment can gently help soften earwax, it's not mandatory, but recommended and could avoid a second visit.  However, please avoid using olive oil if you have a perforated eardrum.

What Are the Symptoms of Earwax Buildup?

Symptoms of earwax buildup include earache, itchiness, ear infections, hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness.

Is Microsuction the Same as Ear irrigation?

Microsuction and ear irrigation are distinct earwax removal methods, each with unique benefits. Our experienced specialists will assess your situation and recommend the most suitable method for you.

Microsuction utilises advanced equipment, including an operating microscope and bright light source, for precise ear examination. It employs gentle, low-pressure medical suction for safe and highly effective earwax removal, often with a higher success rate.

Ear irrigation (also known as ear syringing) involves flushing the ear canal with warm water to dislodge and remove earwax. While suitable for many cases, it can be particularly effective for deeply lodged earwax.

We prioritise your comfort and well-being, offering expert guidance to ensure the safest and most effective earwax removal tailored to your specific needs.

Why Can't I Get My Ears Unblocked on the NHS?

GP practices have stopped offering patients earwax removal treatments because of the time pressures clinics face, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. This means you may need to find an ear wax removal specialist to support you if you have a blocked ear due to excessive earwax. 

Does Removing Earwax Hurt?

In most instances, earwax microsuction is a painless procedure. The specialised medical suction unit is designed for gentle suction, ensuring minimal discomfort. While it may produce some noise, it's comparable to the sound of a hand dryer or vacuum cleaner. Although some sources claim that pre-softening with ear drops is unnecessary, we recommend using Earol sterile olive oil spray for at least two to three days before your appointment. This can enhance comfort and improve the likelihood of complete earwax removal, especially for individuals with a history of stubborn or impacted earwax. Please note that individuals with confirmed ear drum perforation should avoid using Earol or similar ear drops. The majority of our clients, however, find the earwax suction procedure to be entirely painless and are delighted to experience improved hearing afterward.

Can I Use Cotton Buds to Unblock My Ears?

Do not use cotton buds! This will often impact the obstruction and push it closer to the eardrum resulting in pain or infection.

What if the wax cannot be removed in one appointment?

If the wax is particularly stubborn, we will schedule a follow-up appointment at no additional cost to ensure thorough removal.

Will my hearing improve immediately after wax removal?

Many patients experience immediate improvement in hearing and relief from symptoms like ear fullness or hearing muffled sounds.